So as I've probably said/posted like a 100 times now..My USB ports still haven't been fixed. I took it to Best Buy and sadly not much was done ; A ;. So reviews are a little tight and at one point may be delayed sometimes. > n < I really hate being inactive with reviews on my blog because I make quite a few followers wait WAY too long when I shouldn't ; o ;. Hopefully something shall be done and these ports shall be fixed!~~ I also have been working a lot more hours at work so I end up being super tired when it comes to typing up the reviews as well. I plan to update my blog 1-2 days out of the week. ; ^ ; But I will work super hard at updating! o u o.
But anyways, lets begin with the wig review shall we?❤
So I tend to have a huge online shopping addiction especially when it comes to wigs! = w = I normally buy my wigs from Taobao or eBay ( which is where I got this lovely wig from * u *), lately I've been wanting Harajuku wigs as well as Mori styled wigs because they're just so cute!~ Since I wanted to give Taobao shopping a break for a bit I decided to shop eBay! I really wanted a cute colorful Mori girl-ish wig because I really wanted to try something new and different instaed of purchasing the same old straight/curly Harajuku styled wigs and that's when I came across this beauty!
(Photos from how_watches_shop2011 via eBay)
After seeing the lovely colors of this wig I knew it was going to eat away at me if I didn't purchase it.I purchased this wig from "how_watches_shop2011" and I paid a great price for it as well~❤
The shipping process felt a tad long, but a day or two before my estimated delivery date the seller contacted me to inform me that my wig had gotten lost in the mail and that they were re-sending me my item which made me happier to know it was being resent than not being resent at all. ^ u ^ The new reshipped wig arrived very fast( A couple days after being contacted about my lost wig) and was packaged very nicely without any damage at all ^ u ^!~
(Photos of packaged up wig)
The wig looked exactly as pictured! * u * The colors were very accurate and the wig fit well.~ The only problem I had though with the wig was that the bangs were uneven to a small yet semi noticeable degree. ; A ; I had to slant/tilt the wig a tad when worn to hide it. ; m ;
(Please excuse the terrible phone photos as I didn't have my camera when taking review photos ; o ;)
I really love this wig because it's not super fluffy, it's nicely styled ( I don't really enjoy super fluffy wigs on me) and the wonderful colors go with a lot of my clothes which also make me happy! 。◕ ‿ ◕。 But I really can't get over how soft the wig is as well. (◡‿◡✿) But now we must move on to the pros and cons or you may just be here forever hearing about my love for this wig. ^ ^;
❤ Great Seller
❤ Was informed about my lost package and was sent a new one super fast!~
❤ Package was in perfect condition
❤ The wig wasn't cheap or overly poofy
❤ Soft fibers (◡‿◡✿)
❤ Matches well with most of my clothes
❤Comfy when worn
❤ Worth the money I paid for
✘ Uneven bangs ; m ;
All in all I give how_watches_shop2011's Harajuku Mori Girl Wig 4/5 stars
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